In the year 1954, in the month of January, the National Pentecostal Power Churches Inc. began its organization, with Bishop Perry Mosley as Presiding Bishop: Sis. Virginia Alexander, Secretary; Mother Ida Mosley, Treasurer; Brother Tom Brown, and Brother William Boyd as Deacons; and Bishop A.D. Bates, Bishop Robert Edwards, Elder Dock Noland, and Elder Tom I Learn, as Associate Ministers.
We were small at the time, and had a great struggle, but the Lord had planted us, therefore we were not discouraged; we fought the good fight of faith, and the Lord began to add to our number. In the year 1955, our organization was completed, incorporated under the laws of the State of Missouri, with our headquarters in the city of St. Louis, Missouri.
Elder Walter McMichael became affiliated with our organization and was ordained as a Bishop in the Annual Convention in August 1967, and through his efforts and the cooperation of the Saints, we were able to purchase the Church, located at 4201 North Newstead Ave., St. Louis, Missouri. This edifice is now known as the former headquarters of the Pentecostal Power movement. Bishop McMichael, who worked diligently with the church as the Overseer, has been called home to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop Charles Webb is now the Pastor.
Bishop Perry Mosley, as senior bishop, worked diligently traveling back and forth, looking after the work that the Lord had entrusted to his hands, with Bishop A.D. Bates, Pastor of the Church at Lexington, Kentucky, assisting him.
In August 1972, Bishop Mosley retired, becoming our first honorary Bishop. The title of Presiding Bishop was bestowed upon Bishop A.D. Bates, who has labored tirelessly and unceasingly for the up building of the church. The Lord continued to bless in a mighty way and added to the church such as should be saved.
Our board of Bishops consisted of the following: Bishop Willis Baker of Benton Harbor, Michigan; Bishop Tom Jordan of Chicago, Illinois; Bishop Floyd Scott, of Gould’s, Florida; the late Bishop Lavell Tyler, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bishop James L. Lane of Caruthersville, Missouri; and the late honorary Bishop Robert Edwards of Lebanon, Illinois.
In August of the year 1972, Bishop Lavell Tyler of Milwaukee, WI was appointed the assistant to Bishop Bates and Elder Tom Jordan of Chicago, IL was ordained as Bishop, as they were great assets to the Pentecostal Power Churches Inc. Elder Floyd Scott of Gould, FL was ordained Bishop in 1976 at the National Convention.
These men along with Bishop Noah Peters of Chicago, Illinois comprised our Board of Bishops, devoted to praying and taking care of the business that was entrusted to them. In October of 1983 God called home Elder Joseph Thompson, Pastor of Pentecostal Power Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
In the same year Elder Ellis E. Murchison, was installed as Pastor of Pentecostal Power Church, Milwaukee, WI.
Bishop McMichael was the assistant to Bishop A.D. Bates until his health failed in January 1986 at which time in the annual Mid-Winter council, Bishop James L. Lane was appointed as the Assistant Presiding Bishop of the National Pentecostal Power Church. At that time the Board of Bishop's consisted of Bishop A.D. Bates of Lexington, KY. Bishop James Lane of Caruthersville, MO. Bishop Willis Baker of Benton Harbor, MI. Bishop Tom Jordan of Chicago IL, Bishop Floyd Scott of Goulds, FL. Bishop Lavell Tyler of Milwaukee, WI. Bishop Melvin Shaw of Dyersburg TN, and Bishop Robert Edwards of Lebanon IL. These men of God have devoted themselves to praying and looking after the needs of the work that the Lord has entrusted to their hands.
In 1990 the organization’s name changed ... In the motions of time, Bishop Robert Edwards, Bishop Willis Baker, Bishop A.D. Bates, and Bishop Tom Jordan passed on leaving with the saints a legacy of wisdom.
In as much as the Apostles were the only ones that the Lord had given his message, according to St. John 17:14, we thought it wise to follow their teaching and doctrine. We are earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints and we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God. and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished into all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
In 1997 Bishop James L. Lane became the Presiding Bishop and Bishop Floyd Scott the Assistant Presiding Bishop of the National Pentecostal Power Churches, Inc.
Also, in 1997 Elder Charles Bennett, Elder Charles Webb and Elder Ellis Murchison were ordained Bishops of the National Pentecostal Power Church. The Board of Bishops was as follows: Presiding Bishop James L. Lane of Caruthersville, Mo.; Assistant Presiding Bishop Floyd A. Scott of Florida City., FL.; Bishop Melvin L. Shaw of Dyersburg TN.; Bishop Marshall Logan of Blytheville, AR, Bishop Lavell Tyler of Milwaukee, WI.; Bishop Charles Bennett of Lebanon, IL; Bishop Charles H. Webb of St. Louis. MO.; and Bishop Ellis Murchison of Milwaukee, WI.
In August of 1999, Elder Acie McEwen, pastor of Faith Deliverance PPC was called home. Elder Sammie Tumbes of Milwaukee, WI took over as his successor until he was called home in the fall of 2005.
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In August of the year 2002 God blessed the organization to triumph to its new Headquarters at 4025 S. Ward in Caruthersville, Missouri. where the Presiding Bishop James Lane was the Pastor.
The first National convention took place at the new Headquarters in 2003.
In May of 2004 God blessed the Pentecostal Power Churches Inc. to begin our 50th National Convention with great celebration! This meeting was held in Homestead Florida, where Assistant Presiding Bishop Floyd Scott pastors.
In August in the year 2004 Elder Arthur Bullocks, Elder James Molex, Elder Lavell Ross, Elder William Seward, Elder Harold Purnell, National Evangelist Elder Jessie Prather, and National Evangelist Elder Lawrence Bryant were all ordained Bishops of the Pentecostal Power Churches Inc.
In January of 2005 God in his infinite wisdom called our dear Bishop William Seward home to rest. In June of the same year Bishop Lavell Tyler, Chairman of the Board of Bishops also entered eternal rest.
In August of 2005 the Pentecostal Power Churches Inc. was blessed to receive Pastor Barry Nelson, to the Northern District, Pastor Johnson Stone and Pastor Timothy Thomas to the Southern District, and Pastor Anthony Winters and Pastor Larry Watts to the Mid-Western District.
In November of 2005 God called home to rest District Elder Sammie Tumbs of Chicago, Illinois. Elder Tyrone Turner of Milwaukee and his family began traveling to Chicago back and forth to help the work from fall of 2005 until the fall of 2008
In August of 2006, Elder Joe Dotson and the Christ way Apostolic Church family joined the Pentecostal Power Churches Inc.
In October ,2006, Elder Raymond Johnson was installed as the Pastor of New Mt. Olive Pentecostal Power Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
In the month of August in the year of 2008, District Elder Leroy Lane and District Elder Tommie Cobb were ordained Bishops of the Pentecostal Power Churches, Inc.
In the month of November in the year 2008, Elder Tyrone Turner of Milwaukee, WI was installed as Pastor of Faith Deliverance PPC which later became True Holiness.
In 2008, Bishop Arthur L. Bullocks of Benton Harbor, MI; Bishop Harold G. Purnell of Lexington, KY; and Bishop Leroy Lane of Benton Harbor, MI became an addition to board of Bishops.
In the month of August in the year 2009, Elder Otis Grissom Pastor of Solid Rock Apostolic Church and Elder James Eubanks Pastor of Victory Temple both joined our organization.
In the month of December in the year of 2012 Elder Tyree Evans was installed as Pastor in Grand Rapid, MI.
In August in the year 2013 the Pentecostal Power churches Inc. was blessed to receive Bishop Jim Young and Elder Paul Hill to the Northern District.
In the month of August in the year 2016 the organization welcomed Bishop Mark Jones of West Palm Beach FL.
In the month of August in the year of 2017 God called to rest Bishop Harold Purnell, Pastor of Breakthrough Pentecostal Power Church, Lexington, KY.
In the same year Bishop Lavell Ross, Elder Melvin Horne, and Elder Gerald Johnson all the Midwestern District were installed as Pastors in the organization.
In the month of January in the year of 2018, God called home to rest our Presiding Bishop James Lane of Caruthersville, MO who was instrumental in moving the organization forward.
In February of the same year Bishop Tommie Cobb was installed as Pastor of New Life Pentecostal Power Church in Caruthersville, MO.
In the same year, the leadership mantel was bestowed upon Bishop Floyd Scott to Preside over the organization with Bishop Charles Bennett assisting him.
In August of that same year Pastor’s Bishop Jessie Prather, Sr. Bishop Sylvester Burris, Elder Harvey Petty were fellowshipped into the organization.
In the month of April in the year 2019 Elder Cornelius Purnell was installed as pastor of Breakthrough Pentecostal Power Church in Lexington KY.
In the month of January in the year 2020 the Lord called to rest Bishop Perry Ivy, Pastor of Real Pentecostal Power Church in Vance, MS.
In August of that same year Elder Calvin Stone, Sr. was installed as Pastor of Real Pentecostal Power Church.
In the month of August in the year 2021 Bishop Charles Bennett was installed as Presiding Bishop and Bishop Charles Webb, Sr. became the Asst. Presider of the organization.
In the year of 2021 Bishop Floyd A. Scott was bestowed the honor of Bishop Emeritus.
In the year of 2021 the leadership mantel of Pentecostal Power Church Florida City, Fl. was passed to Bishop Mark Jones.
In as much as the apostles were the only ones that the Lord had given his message according to St. John 17:14 we thought it wise to follow their teaching and doctrine, we are earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints.
Presiding Bishop Dr. Charles E. Bennett is our current Presider of the N.P.P.C.I. organization since August of 2021.
Bishop Dr. Charles Bennett was moved to the National Secretary, and then was elevated to National Chairman of the Board in 1999 after just 2 years of being ordained as a Bishop.
Bishop Dr. Charles Bennett previously our Assistant Presiding Bishop of the N.P.P.C.I. He introduces and implements new processes and ideas to the N.P.P.C.I. affiliation and continues to set the standard of excellence. He has inspired so many young preachers and lay-member by preaching hope through Jesus Christ.
Bishop Dr. Bennett is fondly referred to as the professor, the saints all agree that not only will you receive a wholesome Word but you will also gain a history lesson with a little comedy thrown in. He prepares the next generation of preachers, leaders, and disciples with in-depth biblical training and rigorous comprehensive tests that will leave you prepared to defend the gospel. In 2009, he found a bible institute called The School of Prophets as a criteria to be ordained as an Elder within the National Pentecostal Power Churches, Inc.
Throughout the years, Bishop Dr. Bennett has been a lifelong learner, furthering his education with courses at Liberty University and a bachelor’s degree from Faith Christian University. Always the one to glean from others, Bishop Dr. Bennett is apt to attending Church Leadership conferences such as “Pentecost in Perspective” with the late great Bishop Norman L. Wagner and most recently the “You Can Get There From Here” Conference with Bishop Mark Moore, Sr. He is a proponent of empowerment, higher education, and excellence in all that you do. This is a powerful preaching machine who teaches the Word in Excellence! Bishop says "I may not be 100%, but I'm giving God 100% of what I got."
Assistant Presiding Bishop Charles Webb is the honorable Pastor of Pentecostal Power Church in the beautiful gateway city of St. Louis, MO. Bishop Charles Webb has been pastoring the Pentecostal Power Church for over 35 years. Bishop Webb was baptized in Jesus’ Name and filled with the Holy Ghost in the year of 1968 under of leadership of the early Bishop Walter McMichael.
It was one early morning around 4am in the kitchen of His home while leaving for work when God vividly shown and told Bishop Webb to accept His calling in the ministry and tears began to roll down His face God said to preach the Word with power and demonstration and that He would be with him.
Bishop Webb is an anointed preacher and teacher and many souls have come to the Lord through this ministry. Since being saved God has tremendously blessed Bishop Webb. He has served in many capacities in the church including, serving as a Deacon, Sunday School Superintendent, Minister, Elder, Pastor, YPWW President, Bishop (ordained in 1997), District Midwest Bishop, and currently serving as the National PPC Assistant Presiding Bishop.
One of Bishop’s mottos is: “Be faithful to God and live the life, and You never know where God will take You”. Some of Bishop Webb’s renowned messages are, “Just in Case”, It’s a praying Matter, “Blood Purchased Church”, “Don’t bend, don’t bow, don’t break”, “Do you have the form, or do you have the Power”.
Bishop Webb is the faithful husband of one wife, Mother LaVerne Webb, and proud parent and grandparent of many natural and spiritual children. After retiring from his natural job in 2005 Bishop has devoted his time to the ministry full time. During Bishop Webb’s spare time, you will find Him spending time with his wife, children, grandchildren, fishing, working on church projects, studying, or watching his animal channels.
Bishop Webb is living awaiting to hear God say well done, thou good and faithful servant!
Bishop Floyd A. Scott, Florida City, Florida
Bishop Floyd A. Scott is the oldest living member of the N.P.P.C.I. having been in this Apostolic Pentecostal group since its inception. He currently pastors Pentecostal Power Church in Florida City, FL.
History of Bishop Floyd Scott’s Holiness Life
Brother Floyd Scott was baptized in water in the name of Jesus the first Sunday in April 1954, under the leadership of Elder Jim Hull. His wife Anna Marie Scott, standing by the water side, decided that her husband was not going to leave her, so she was baptized the same day. On the third Sunday of June, the same year, Brother Scott was filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Brother Scott was the first one to be baptized under this leadership in the State of Florida.
Over the years, the Lord added more souls to the church. The small congregation grew, and the Lord blessed. In 1969, Brother Scott was ordained Elder, by Bishop Perry Mosely.
The church continued to grow, and the Lord continued to bless. In 1970, Elder Scott became the pastor of Pentecostal Power Church in Florida City. In 1977, Elder Scott was ordained Bishop-op. In 1997,
Bishop Scott became the assistant presiding Bishop of the PPC organization. In 2005, the Lord called home our First Lady, Anna Marie Scott. In 2006 Mother Bettie Scott became our First Lady of PPC Florida City.
Bishop Floyd A. Scott became the presiding Bishop of the NPPCI organization in 2018. Presiding Bishop Floyd A. Scott became Bishop Emeritus in August of 2021 and passed the mantle to Presider Elect Bishop Dr. Charles E. Bennett now the new Presiding Bishop of the NPPCI organization.
Over the years, there has been many trials and test, but the Lord brought us through all of them.We have lost many pillars of the church, and many have passed through, according to their seasons and the will of God. Bishop Scott is yet leading and teaching us to be led by the spirit of God and to put our total trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Bishop James Lane Sr, Caruthersville, Missouri
Bishop Admiral D. Bates, Lexington, KY
National Pentecostal Power Churches, Inc.
Headquarters National Pentecostal Power Churches Inc. 4025 S Ward Ave, Caruthersville, Missouri 63830, United States